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Since we really want to share our love for klipoorbellen earrings without piercing, we now also ship within the EU! So do you have a niece, nephew, brother, sister, uncle, aunt or just distant friends that you really want to surprise with an original gift that is suitable for anyone with or without pierced ears? Or do you know someone with an allergy to earrings, nickel, gold or silver, who is looking for a solution for inflamed earlobes? Then you've come to the right place!
Of course anyone from abroad (within the EU) can now also place an order at klipoorbellen .nl! So let's share the love!
And did you know that within the Netherlands it is delivered FREE of charge within 1 day (depending on PostNL), if your order is placed before 3 p.m.?! Within the EU you can find the delivery times in the FAQ and we are of course dependent on the delivery times of PostNL, but also there applies: ordered before 2 p.m., the same day in the mail!

Questions about our deliveries of our clip earrings and earcuffs? Please contact us via the chat.